Can you believe it is October already !!
Only five weeks until my first show:

Time has flown by this year and we have to start thinking of the holidays already. I always loved giving handmade goods to friends and family over the years. There is something special about a gift made by a person, not a machine. If you make it yourself, or buy it from another artist, it just seems to really say "I am thinking of you". Granted I am always happy with a gift card to my favorite coffee shop or a bag of coffee (just pick the bag of choice with care because roasters are artists too).
As you start to think of who you want to give gifts to this year, make them special and buy handmade, they will love you for it. I try to support my artist friends and locals first, then I hit Etsy, sometimes it depends on what I am looking for. Does your friend have an etsy account, look to see what they have marked as their favorite shops and items for ideas (I've used that trick already for a friend), then you know they will truly Love it.
Happy Holiday Art Shopping !!!
I LOVE the etsy wish lists - makes shopping SO much easier! And I love giving handmade too, so much more personal. Can't believe the holiday season is already on the radar!