Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I'm still here

I will be posting again soon. I have been busy setting up an exhibit, taking a class, adjusting to northern temperature changes and general craziness.
While you wait feel free to check out my friend Lynn's Blog . I took her class over the weekend and had a lot of fun and inspiration.

Have a Happy Wednesday !!


  1. Sometimes I find a need a break after a big project is done. You've been working your tush off getting everything ready for the exhibit - take some fun time for yourself! :)

    And thanks again for all your help over class weekend, you're awesome! :) :) :)

  2. I must have been exhausted, I slept 10 hours last night. This week at the day job my mind was on auto-pilot, I could not remember if I had done some things =\ Recharged and ready to go again now =)
    No Problem Lynn, happy that I can help =)
